Friday 6 March 2009


As I suggested on Twitter yesterday, I think I've become addicted to Twittering.

The opening of TweetDeck even before the computer warms up in the morning, the tingling rush of blood when I see some @replies and DMs, during the day when I catch in the corner of my eye the little notification window that opens with every tweet, instinctively turning my head to lap up what banal tripe's being discussed, the last check on dabr on my mobile phone before I close my eyes at night.

It's turned out to be an addiction.

I've found myself thinking in 140 characters. Whenever I see anything, anything, I feel the need to tell people. The other day I had to use every little scrap of energy I had left to stop myself posting a tweet that would've humiliated me for life. It was about soup.

So as I posted on Twitter yesterday, I'm taking some time off. Initially it was supposed to be only for this weekend, but I think I'll try and extend it until at least Wednesday of next week when I hope to be uploading our new episode of the podcast.

No doubt I'll get the sweats, the tears, the delirious urge simply to click on that birdy icon. I've already been wondering whether anyone's sent me a direct message or replied to me, and how many more people are now following me. I don't think the founding fathers of Twitter understood the dire consequences of what they were doing when they created the whole thing, how much pain it would reduce so many once concentrated and driven humans to.

My plan is to overcome the addiction. This is a Twittervention. My name is Scott, and I'm a Twitterholic. I plan to cleanse myself of the need to tweet, and with the help of my growing legions of followers who I hope will understand, I will return as the man I once was. I will learn to channel my energy and focus my priorities. I will post tweets only when I need to or if I have the time. I will no longer put aside work, real world relationships, food or comic books to update my status online. I will no longer speak to people only if their name starts with @.

I have shamed myself, but I will come through this, and if you're like me, if you want to join me in this treacherous journey towards a fresh inner calm, then together we will survive. So God Bless my followers, God Bless Tweehab and God Bless the United States of America!