Tuesday 14 October 2008

Fire up the mics

Just to let you know that Alan and I will be recording the fifth episode of the podcast tonight, and that we're also planning on doing a bonus sketch just to thank you all for your interest.

For those who don't know how to comment on this blog, just have a look underneath where you see the word "comments", click it and give it laldy. The reason I mention this is because I got a message through the website the other day saying "your podcast sucks. cant even coment on blog so came hear" (the spelling ain't mine!).

So please feel free to comment all you like on this blog, head over to the website and do it there, or if you've come to the view that we put out just about the greatest podcast you've ever heard in your puff, why not fire on a review in iTunes so we can rise up to the geek-fuelled cloud of superstardom on which we deserve to rest.

I'll try and get the new episode and bonus on at some point tomorrow, so check back soon!