Thursday 31 July 2008

Hello and welcome

Hello, and welcome to my new blog, For the Love of G...lasgow.

This will be where with my mate Alan Macdonald (in the photo I'm to the left, he's to the right, politically we're neither here nor there!), we'll be hosting the podcast of the same name, the official podcast of my website, the Top Ten Glasgow Guide.

The first episode is on its way, so for now I'll just leave you with our little Mission Statement:

"For the Love of G…lasgow, hereinafter referred to as 'Pure Genius', is the joint venture of Scott Docherty and his good friend Alan Macdonald, two heterosexual characters living in Glasgow.

It is the official, FREE and fortnightly podcast of, as Scott would describe it, the perpetually ground-breaking blanket of poetic resonance that is

The intention of our podcast is to entertain. However, it must be made clear from the outset that we might not. In publishing our regular diatribe, we will aspire to provide no benefit to the listener. Some Glasgow travel websites & podcasts seek to paint a glossy, incomplete picture of the City which belies the truth of the matter. Others focus on Glasgow being similar to Basra, the Helman Province, Sarajevo, our streets littered with non-educated delinquents, and litter.

Our 'Pure Genius' however, will reside somewhere in between, leaving listeners with no impression of Glasgow whatsoever, providing no useful information, our ultimate aspiration being to make no difference at all to anyone, whilst at the same time, leaving every listener with the unmistakable desire to meet us and become our friend, expanding what may only be described as our tragic, ever-decreasing social circle.

Please join us. No really, please."

Check back soon for the first episode, and in the meantime, please feel free to visit the website.

